My Dear Child

At the time of writing this, I am not a Dad. But I really want to be one.
When I do become a Dad, these are my promises to my child.

My Dear Child,
Welcome to this world!
The first thing you should know is that you are loved.
You are always loved.
I Love You.

My Dear Child,
You are going to make mistakes. Thats wonderful and its okay!
Mistakes help us learn and I hope you make many.
I also hope you learn from the mistakes of others.
Especially my own.

My Dear Child,
Please do not try to be like me.
You are born to be amazing and far better than I will ever be.
I want to be like you, so go on and be awesome.
You already are.

My Dear Child,
I am not perfect. Please forgive me.
I will strive to raise my love, not my hand.
I will strive to raise my words, not my voice.
I will strive to love you properly.
You are perfect.

My Dear Child,
The world will not always understand you.
The world will not always love you.
The world will not always be kind to you.
Do not let that change who you are and your divine heart.
I will always try and understand you, I will sometimes fail.
I will love you, always.

My Dear Child,
I will respect your choices.
No matter what they are, they are yours and they are perfect.
I am here for you if they work out.
I am here for you if they do not.
I will never, ever tell you “I told you so.”

My Dear Child,
I will never rush you and tell you to “hurry up!”
Time is limited yet it does not exist.
I will not make you a slave of time.
Although my time is limited, I will give as much of mine to you as you need, and as much as I have.

My Dear Child,
When you need me, I will be there.
When you bruise your knee or scratch your elbow.
When you get teased or lose your first ‘friend’.
When you get your heart broken for the first time.
When you’re under pressure and stress.
When you feel alone.
Whenever you need me, I will be there.
I may not always offer you the best words.
But I promise the best comforting silence.

My Dear Child,
I will not always be there.
One day it will be time to give up this mortal form.
When that day comes, it will feel too soon.
It will always feel too soon.

My Dear Child — when that day comes,
I pray and I hope that I was a good Dad.
I hope that I would’ve given you everything I could have.
I wish you nothing but happiness.
And, one day when you become a parent — be better than me.

I Love You,
Your Dad


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