Leo Gopal on Speaking at #WordFest 2021 on Remote Happiness in tech.

I am extremely honoured to be amongst a plethora of amazing speakers scheduled for WordFest Live 2021 by A Big Orange Heart (formerly WP&UP). My talk topic is titled:

Remote Happiness: How to build and keep mental wellness in work and life.

Update(02 September 2021): Here is the recording of the WordFest Live Session on Remote Happiness:
Leo Gopal at WordFest Live 2021 Recorded Session on Remote Happiness.

Disclaimer: Firstly, I am neither an expert on the topic nor have I achieved it to any level of expert. I am a professional learner, and I have probably gotten more things wrong than most on the topic, but If I were to describe the talk, it would be a recovery guide on how to get it right when/before you get it so wrong.

I am also excited to note that my esteemed and super talented colleague from Codeable HQ, Sir Demo, will be speaking at WordFestLive as well.

→ Check it out and sign up for WordFest Live 2021 if you have not done so yet.


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