#WooMattic: The WooCommerce Acquisition by Automattic


Everyone, who is anyone, is talking about iteven Drupal (yup, all linked).

Mark Forrester and Magnus Jepson of WooThemes, and Matt Mullenweg of Automattic, announced today that Automattic has successfully acquired WooCommerce – one month before Automattic’s 10th Anniversary.

Matt expressed in his announcement post how WooThemes share the same company and philosophical culture as Automattic making their decision to join forces an easier one. He also shared this video to better explain the move:

This will allow Automattic to better compete with the likes of SquareSpace, and other full SaaS solutions. It’s also going to be interesting to see a SaaS version of WooCommerce built into WordPress.com (which is where, I assume, this will hold most leverage).

Post Status has written a very lucid post about this.

This also means that all WooNinjas are automagically transformed into Automatticians – which is uber cool if you’re on WooThemes.

This is even more reason why WooCommerce is the tool of choice for eCommerce with WordPress and also why WordPress is definitely a force to me reckoned with.




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