WooCommerce Cape Town Meetup

This was quite an eventful meet-up in Cape Town for WooCommerce. The highlights, for me, speaking about ‘Making WooCommerce your own‘ and Mark Forrester’s Q&A about the WooThemes Acquisition with Sean Parker-Ross.

Here are my presenter slides for the meetup:


Kicking of the WooCommerce Meetup with my Presentation.
Kicking of the WooCommerce Meetup with my Presentation.
Mark Forrester Q&A with Sean Parker Ross about WooMattic
Mark Forrester Q&A with Sean Parker Ross about WooMattic

…and because it didn’t happen unless there was a selfie 🙂

From Left: Leo Gopal (me), Mark Forrester (co-founder of WooThemes), Richard Miles.
From Left: Leo Gopal (me), Mark Forrester (co-founder of WooThemes), Richard Miles.


One response to “WooCommerce Cape Town Meetup”

  1. Kenny Avatar

    Hello Leo, I actually chatted with you at the wordcamp CT.
    I tried to get a tel no. for woo commerce… cant find one (only contact form). So If you don’t mind, I thought you would know off the cuff.
    I am looking at putting woo commerce store onto existing site… the theme is woo commerce compatible.
    I would like for everything on one site, no subdomains (seo)…(probably also looking at some kind of membership option later)…I do see that woo themes allow for blog attached to site. I do not want to change themes.
    Is it possible to add the woo commerce store, which you access via a link at the top of home page which simply says store?
    (I am little hesitant of just adding plugins and messing around due to previous mess up)

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