Presentation at Cape Town PHP Meetup Group on Efficiency in a Development Environment

Last night, 17th November 2015, I had the honor of speaking alongside Sarah Nicholson at the Cape Town PHP Meetup Group on the topic of ‘Efficiency in a Development Environment‘.

The evening was wonderfully organised by Shaun Morrow, who sets up these events in the PHP community in Cape Town as a wonderful way of giving back.

The night was kicked off with a really informative lightning talk by Danny Kopping, super cool lead developer for Zando, who spoke about the usage of Charles Proxy. Here is the quick recording of his demo, as you will tell, he has a cool and wacky sense of humor (rare breed in a genius-like dev):

The Talk by Sarah and I followed soon after for the next hour. Unfortunately there is no video recordings of this talk, but we have our slidedeck available which lists just the story line and some main thoughts – you are more than welcome to get in touch with use for more details and questions (we also really enjoy feedback.

Our talk focuses on Fusing Ideas from Agile, Physics, Biology, Experimentation Science, Psychology, Philosophy, with a hint of common sense (everything we love) – into some interesting ideas and concepts that could improve the general happiness and efficiency within an organisation – not just the development team.

Just want to say a quick thank you to Shaun Morrow and whoever else at Cape Town PHP for giving us this opportunity to share – fostering collaboration rather than competition, and to Zando for hosting us at their wonderful offices.


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