A few days ago I was reading the blog of one of my favorite web designers, NoSidebar by Brian Gardner. He wrote a post titled ‘The Best Resources for Consuming Creative Content‘ – a brilliant post, in which he mentions a brilliant company called ‘Crew‘. (more…)
Author: Leo Gopal
WordPress 12th Anniversary
Twelve years ago Matt announced the first official release of WordPress.
Fast forward 12 years and WordPress has:
- More than 80 WordCamps WorldWide
- 6 Major version releases
- 800+ Core Contributors since the first release
- 23% Market Share of the Internet
- 100+ meetup groups in 21+ countries
WordCamp Minneapolis: Powerful Local Development Environments with Brad Parbs
At WordCamp Minneapolis, Brad Parbs from WebDevStudios runs through an awesome presentation on creating and using Powerful Local Development Environments using Vagrants.
9 Lessons To My Son in Respecting and Treating Women
Random Acts of Knightness
At the time of writing this, I am not a father nor do I know if I will ever have a son.
But the world has mistreated, looked down upon, and disrespected woman for centuries and changing that is the duty of men, especially fathers.
This is a few lessons to our sons in treating woman the way they were born to be treated; with love, respect and dignity.
The First WooCommerce Meetup in Cape Town
On 25 Feb 2015, I attended the first (of many to come) WooCommerce Meetup in Cape Town. The event was organised through the meetup.com group with the main topic for the evening being eCommerce in South Africa. Though, the events began with a comical note due to Meetup.com having issues processing online payments for an event focused on online payments, the joys of tech.
The event was held in the Old Biscuit Mill in Cape Town at the The Bello Studio which was a lovely venue with great art adorning the walls – great for striking up conversation and breaking the ice. Turn-out was brilliant, with almost 50 attendees. (more…)
HELL YES! or No: A Simple Decision Hack for a Happier Life
Making decisions is possibly the hardest thing I ever do.
The less decisions I have to make, the happier I find myself.
Of course, this does not apply to areas of life where decision making is either a team effort (like relationships), or part of my responsibilities (like career tasks).
We have all committed to doing things we were not entirely enthusiastic about, or over-committing to a vast amount of things that are mediocre. Life is too short to be consumed by the mediocre.
Say yes to less, say yes to better; this is the way to go. (more…)
Why You Should Not Aim for Success and What To Do Instead
We all have goals, dreams, and aspirations.
There is always something we hope to achieve that we think will make our lives much better and will help us attain glorious happiness.
We tell ourselves stories that if we achieve this one goal – get this one item, get that promotion, drop that pants size – that we will be successful, and if we are successful, we will be happy. (more…)
Why I am an Atheist.
Over the last year (as of writing this) I have come to a life-changing conclusion, God (god) most certainly does not exist. I am an atheist. But, like many other non-believers I have no affinity to the label, I do not see why the non-belief in something needs any labelling. (more…)
You are already perfect.
The Japanese have two very beautiful philosophies that have intrigued me lately. Not the kind of ‘intrigued’ one becomes because of knowing something to be weird or absurd, but more because it isn’t. (more…)